Kur-World must not be allowed to monopolise and contaminate the water supply, impacting residents, farmers, the ecosystem and the reef.
Two deep concerns come to light around Kur-World’s proposed use of water: Availability & Quality
According to the EIS hydrologist report, there are not sufficient water resources within the site to support the development and operation of the Kur-World resort complex. There has not been a fill hydrological study of the site and surrounding area done. This will not only affect established surrounding residents, but also farmers on the Tablelands. Kur-World proposes to meet their high demand for water with groundwater harvesting, rainwater harvesting and buying already-allocated licenses to use Barron River water. These are not feasible without lasting consequences.
Groundwater and rainwater harvesting
- Unrestricted pumping from bores can deplete the groundwater supply, greatly affecting surrounding neighbours who do not have town water. Even now, Kur-World is pumping from a drinkable groundwater supply to fill a dam for aesthetic purposes for their KUR-Cow Tourist Attraction. - If overland rainwater flow is captured and diverted away from infiltration in the same catchment , the entire eco-system within the creek networks is likely to collapse.
Buying already-allocated licenses to use Barron River water
Water removal from the Barron Water Management Plan is tightly regulated. This means that any additional allocations that Kur-World needs will be acquired from existing licence holders. How will this affect other regional industries, especially farming, which is already facing increasing risk and uncertainty in the face of climate change and weather variability? Just last year with Tinarro at 30% capacity, they complained about water releases running to the ocean for the hydro power scheme.
If Kur-World is realised, it will impact the water catchment for Owen, Warril, and Cain Creeks. Without critical changes to the existing proposal and ongoing accountability, tainted run-off into the creek system from a development of this magnitude would be inevitable. This will affect established residents, the ecosystem and the Great Barrier Reef. These detrimental impacts will be caused by:
- Site erosion - Increased sediment - Contaminated run-off from the building process and increased population - Options cited in the EIS to remove surplus treated effluent by pumping it into Hare/ Owen Creek or Cain creek - Recycled water from the sewerage treatment plant
Residents Owen Creek is the major water supply for established residents downstream of Kur-World who are not connected to town water.
Ecosystem Owen Creek is an important aquatic habitat for the endangered Kuranda Tree Frog (only 750 individuals exist worldwide). Even small changes in water quality will threaten the sensitive breeding habitat of current populations of this and other endemic and endangered frogs.
Great Barrier Reef The Kur-World site is located at the top of the rainwater catchment for three major creeks which flow into the Barron River at Kuranda/Myola. The Barron empties into the ocean and disperses onto the Great Barrier Reef. High seasonal rainfall in the Wet Tropics creates site erosion leading to increased sediment, which impacts water quality that flows onto the reef. Australia has an international responsibility to protect the value and integrity of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Ironically, the promises of increased tourism made by the developers of Kur-World are dependent on the natural attractions this area has to offer. Tropical North Queensland’s established tourism economy should not be put at risk through damage to the reef.
Kur-World Proposal in Myola Valley
We need your help to stop this monstrosity
KUR-World EIS submissions open till 14 Jan ‘19 Write your own with our generic template here